Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 3, Orientation, Testimony/Song/Skit practice, Game

    The morning started at 9am at Paul's house, with cultural orientation, including the video of God's fingerprints (see blog tab if you want to view).  It was amazing to see how the Japanese culture is prepared for the gospel through the concept of a Creator God, that has been a part of that culture for hundreds, may a thousand years.  Then Paul briefed us on the how to prepare a testimony for Japan, followed by a time for each team member to work on their individual testimonies.  Following testimony practice, we went to Costco for lunch.  After lunch, the team voted to skip the World Cup game to practice the team song and to discuss potential skits.  After song practice, we left for La Mirada High School stadium where the team will play a game against the Biola girls.  There wasn't really an official score as both of our goalies played (for the practice) on opposing teams.  It was 2-1 unofficially (Biola won).  Our goal was scored by Savannah after a wonderful steal by Diana.  This was followed by dinner brought in by Chick-fil-A.  Half-time entertainment included the Chick-fil-A cow shooting goals at our two goalies, Briana & Alexis.  After half-time of the PDL Seahorse game, we had our send-off with the parents, a send-off prayer by Vickie, and then departed early for our homes.  We meet at the airport at 10:45am tomorrow. (Not as bad as previous years)  Please pray for Mike Gentry still that he can clean up the damage to his house in time to come, and that the base will go off lock-down in time.  Also pray for something else that happened tonight (details at a later time).   Pictures.
Chick-fil-A cow shoots at Alexis
Chick-fil-A cow shoots at Briana

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