Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 6, July 31, Homestays, Church, Tournament

     Today the team was split up into groups.  16 people were still on 5 different homestays, while the other 18 team members stayed at BJ's church.  So, the morning part is only about the homestay that I was on as (of course), I don't know what happened at the other locations.  It was great though to be split up and it was obvious how much it meant to the church to have us there.  They seemed very delighted and encouraged to have us there--but as I said, I don't know who was more encouraged---them or us.  I was particularly struck during the service as we sang "Fairest Lord Jesus."  The beginning of the last stanza started with "Beautiful Savior, Lord of the Nations . . ." and it hit me that here we were worshipping together as different nations----a little taste of what heaven would be like.  Talking with some of the others, our experience probably wasn't too different.  The people were so kind and generous and wanted to do whatever they could to serve us.  It was very humbling.  Our church actually had a 7:30 service, but said we didn't have to attend that one (about 10-12 people).  We did join the children's Sunday School class at 8:45 until about 9:15 and then they did the traditional making shave ice.  I say traditional because every church I have visited here seems to do this.  This was the first time though that it was not merely ice and the syrup.  They had toppings like mandarin oranges, pineapple, mochi balls (hard to describe-kind of chewy), sweet bean paste and green tea powder.  It was all very good.  After Sunday School, we attended the church service from 10:30-11:30, and then joined most of the church for their Sunday lunch which they do 3 times a month.  It was great to sit with them and get to know them better.  I was showing one of the ladies at my table my family picture taken at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center this summer and she remarked that she had been there with friends and walked the trails (about 40 years ago)!  Lunch went until about 1:15 and then we had a short break until we left about 2.
     We had come prepared to go straight to the field for the games.  We were playing the team called the FC Papas.  They have a team of men, 50 and older, and a team of 40 and older.  We played both teams on an alternating basis.  The older 50 men are the team that BJ is goalie for.  Mr Mizuno, who has been a part of every Osaka trip we have been on, is the captain of the FC Papas.  The schedule was to play 6 20-minute games, but then they wanted to play more, so we ended up playing 8 20-minute games.  While this was good game time (Masa and some of the guys who had helped out got to play in the last two for us), the disappointing part was that one of the two teams had left by that point and didn't get to hear the song (we did just the Japanese song) and Paul's testimony (Paul did it because it was a group of older men). Oh well, the Lord knows.  I don't remember all of the scores, but it was something like 1-0, 0-1, 1-2, 0-0, 2-0, 0-2, 1-1, 0-2).  Our goals were scored by Alexis (2), Marg (on a great steal), Sarah, and Masa in the last game when he played for us.  We also played so long that the people who had the field reserved at 7 came and we had to do our post-game song and testimony stuffed into the stands.  Flexibility, always the key.  There were some members of the other team that were new and never had heard the gospel.  We pray that the seeds planted will be able to be watered and harvested some day by BJ.  We particularly pray for Mr. Mizuno as he is always around, helps with transportation, and even hosts a homestay, but yet has not made a decision for Jesus.  There must be something that attracts him and we pray that God can overcome whatever is holding him back.
     After the game, we took the bus back to the food court we were at the first night for dinner.  Then it was back to the sento to clean up, and then home for much needed rest.  Thanks again for your prayers as it is amazing to see how well everyone is doing with jet lag, but some much going on and still having great attitudes.  Next year is most likely an "open" tour, so anyone could come who wants to.  Some of the girls are talking like they would like to come back---which would be great as it says a lot to the Japanese when people return.

Pictures, Day 6
Pictures, All
Video Montage Day 6
Team Song Day 6
Marg's Testimony
Paul's Testimony

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